Day 1

Friday 14th August, WBro John Baines of Domville Lodge No.4647 and his wife Sandra provided very welcome hot Tea,Coffee and biscuits at their Narrowboat “The Craft 4647” moored at Bridge No.7 at Moore on the Bridgewater Canal to the intrepid Pan Cheshire Cyclists who set out from Middlewich in pouring rain and treacherous ground conditions were very appreciative of the REST STOP.

The Cyclists who are doing the Pan Cheshire Cycle Ride are raising Funds for the 2016 Festival in aid of the masonic Samaritan Fund and will be met at the end of their three Day 120 mile journey by the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Stephen M. Blank on Sunday 16th August at the Family Funday being held at “Cheshire View” Christleton.
Day 2
Day Two of Pan Cheshire Cycle Ride
intrepid cyclists made it to Sale Masonic Hall for an overnight stop.
Martin Barlow APGM for Area Three joined them for a welcome drink.Day two saw an early start for the cyclists after a fine English Breakfast
at the Masonic Hall Sale, in better weather the group made their way along
the tow path to several pubs.At the Puss-in-Boots a 17th century Inn they met up with George Mann APGM
for Area Five who wished them well on their way to Congleton Masonic Hall
for their second overnight.
Sunday 16th August , Day Three they arrive at Chester’s Fun Day celebration
at Cheshire View Christleton to be met by Stephen Blank our PGM and a squadron
( I can’t think of a collective noun CAN YOU ?) of Deputy and Assistant
Provincial Grand Masters”.

George Mann with David Dobbs Prov G. Almoner with a repaired cycle

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