On Thursday 10th of May, the Lodge held an additional meeting by Dispensation, to initiate Bro Brian Massie, who for a short time at least becomes Cheshire’s newest initiate.
WBro Paul Lucock, assisted by various past masters performed an excellent ceremony, which came only two weeks after the Installation meeting.
The Inclusion of Bro Brian, who is the first of three candidates for initiation being progressed at present, means that the Lodge has reached 30 active members, the first time for over 20 years and hopefully is indicative of what we trust will be a secure future for the lodge with a ladder now almost predominately light blue.
The Brethren were also pleased to hear that WBro Phil Wright is to be promoted to the Acting rank of Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, who was clearly delighted (and still coming to terms with) his preferment.
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