With the Worshipful Master Mike Niblock staying in the post for a second year, the Installation meeting became a Proclamation, which although shorter was none the less enjoyed by our regular visitors from lodges Dunblane as well as from across the Province.
It also marked the joining of four members from West Cheshire Lodge, including WBro Bill Knowles who was originally initiated into the Lodge, and they were very quickly welcomed, and indeed one even taking office as the new Assistant Secretary.
Hopefully they will quickly get used to the Bottomley and McGee works traditionally practiced by the Lodge.
As West Cheshire had handed back in its warrant, they joined bringing a number of that lodges widows with them, and sensibly a financial contribution to cover their initial care, as they in turn become adopted and cared for by 3653.
The meeting and festive board, which were enhanced by our now regular visiting Pianist and singer WBros Nick Wootton and Nigel Piper was held in the Presence of WBro Ivor Henry, who was very pleased to receive a donation to the CFC, for £1000, which was later further acknowledged by way of a thank you letter from the Provincial Charity Steward.
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