Burns Night a Masonic Tradition (first published in 2019)

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Burns Night a Masonic Tradition

In Scotland, and to a lesser extent in Lodges all around the World Freemasons celebrate Burns Night, on or around the birth date of Scotland’s Famous son, who was born on 25th January 1759, 260 years ago.

Whilst a great number of Lodges in Scotland hold a Traditional Burns supper at their regular meeting, on or around this date, In England we usually celebrate in slightly diluted manner with usually a piper accompanying the Chef and carefully selected Scottish brother, who will then address the ceremonial haggis in the words of the Baird, before it being served up traditionally with neeps and tatties
(mashed turnip and potatoes) after the Traditional Selkirk grace is given, followed by a short immortal memory, or retrospect of the life of Scotland’s Famous son, carefully prepared by the speaker with many Lodges following that tried and tested format, very successfully.

However, this is not about how to run a Burns Night, or even to suggest a different way of running such an event, it’s an overview and personal observation of what has in recent years become on the Wirral, one of the larger and more successful Burns Night Events, and its relevance in our modern times, and the changing face of Freemasonry, but first I list the background of how the event was first formulated, and has grown, changed and continues to evolve with time and become in the words of one of the Welsh contributors from another Lodge “Legendary”.

Like all good events and ideas, these come about usually not too far away from a bar, and after a few refreshments had been consumed, and this from memory is no different, and occurred in the bar attached to the Lodge of Dunblane, shortly after the installation meeting, when WBro McPhee was in discussion with the author a member of the James Thompson Lodge who have a long standing relationship with the Lodge, one of the oldest in the Scottish Constitution, and it was agreed that “if you organise it, we will come and run a traditional Scottish Burns night for ye”.

A suitable evening having been agreed (5th Friday in the month) at Clifton Road, the Lodge of Dunblane sent a delegation down headed by WBro Ronnie, including Brethren who had learnt poems by Robbie Burns, and musicians who in conjunction to volunteer Pipers, and Pianist sourced locally, and a traditional Scottish Menu, the First Event was organised between the James Thompson lodge and Lodge of Dunblane with some 80 or so present.

However some things invariably work better in Scotland than perhaps with a predominantly English audience, and a few tweaks occurred to fuse the Scottish Traditions to suit the local cultural requirements, accordingly.

Stanlow Lodge supported the first, and indeed second Burns Night, and when it became apparent that the regular venue wouldn’t be available a few years ago, they stepped in and working with the three Lodges the event moved to Whitby for a few years and continues to attract similar numbers with some 80 attending on the 18th of January 2019, with , as usual the proceeds being split equally between the three Lodges for their Charitable causes.

This Burns Night was essentially a white table event, ie a Festive board with none Masons able to attend, with a slightly different and shortened toast list to adhere too, and started with the Members of Stanlow, James Thompson Lodge standing to welcome the three Masters Present, and the Representatives of the Lodge of Dunblane. The Guests included some 14 none Masons, and attracted masons from as far afield as Wallasey, Frodsham, and Tarporley, all of whom where regular visitors.

The Selkirk Grace was given by WBro Archie Peat (Broadsmith Lodge) before the haggis was Piped in by Three Pipers and a Drummer lead by WBro John Mahoney of James Thompson Lodge.
WBro Paul Allan then addressed the Haggis, before toasting the Chef, and the Pipers played a medley of Traditional Scottish Music, whilst the soup course (traditional Scotch Broth) was served before the Haggis Neeps and tatties, and as is the tradition, the Pallets of the diners were cleaned with “Scottish wine”, which was served in commemorative Whiskey Glasses which were purchased including raffle tickets shortly after the dinner was started.

Once the Meal was completed and thanks were returned and the toasts given, WBro Archie Peat then rose and delivered his Immortal Memory, his own carefully researched thoughts on an aspect of Rabbie Burns Life, before and quite unexpectedly delivering a moving and indeed aminated poem “The haggis of Private McPhee” in tribute, a First World war story of Trench Warfare, and the Story of a Burns Night in the Trenches, and a haggis received by Corporal McPhee, which as to be heard properly delivered to be appreciated fully.

At this stage of the evening, all present where getting into the spirit of the evening, invariably helped by Scottish wine and more regular liquid refreshments, producing a warm convivial atmosphere, but all were silent, giving attention to WBro Archie, and his part in the Celebrations, which was warmly received and applauded.

A short break was given, to allow yet further refreshments to be purchased, before
WBro McPhee accompanied by our Regular Pianist WBro Nick Wootton (Zetland Lodge) performed “the Braes O’ Killocrankie” a Traditional Scottish Folk Song commemorating the battle of Culloden, and the “miraculous” escape of an English Soldier, who being pursued by victorious Scottish Hero’s whilst fleeing , made a seemingly impossible leap across a ravine of some 20 or so feet, escaping a certain death, the chorus of which was enthusiastically joined in by the Primarily English audience present.

Oh, little do they know!

Having had their first chances of singing, the guests where then Introduced to WBro Gareth Butler, of Wallasey lodge who was delivering the Poem/ story of Tam O’Shanter.

One or two, who were new to the Burns Night were heard to note that the first name “Gareth” (clearly Welsh in Origin) suitably attired in Kilt etc, delivering a Scottish tale in a Scottish accent, was potentially slightly odd, but these doubts were very quickly allayed.
WBro Gareth, who had only learnt the full Poem a year earlier delivered his tale of warning to the pitfalls of excessive social drinking on market day , womanising, and chasing the “cutty sark” , ending up with our hero being chased by Witches, Warlock’s and even “Olde Nick Hi’self” barely escaping, but with his faithful horse losing his tail in the process.

Tam O’Shanters is quite a long tale, delivered in a theatrical manner, like “the Braes Killocrankie” is delivered in a thick Scottish accent, so at times you are not quite sure what is being said, but still gained quiet and full attention of the audience, and was a delight to behold, with appreciation being shown by all present, and quiet but obvious pride on his father, WBro Roberts face.

A short break in proceedings was called for, with the raffle being drawn, which raised £300.00 , for charitable causes, but more on that a bit later.

With regular raffle out of the way, it was the turn of the raffle for the Giant TLC Bear, who was the subject of a “Chorley Raffle” where numbers are sold for a pound each (in blocks of 5), and a number randomly selected with the winner being the Lodges Senior warden Tony Kellett, and 320 numbers sold ~a great return for one of our favourite charities.

With the draws out of the way, the programme resumed, with WBro McPhee delivering Holy Wullies Prayer, in Darkness with just a candle light again well received by the audience, who at this stage were further refreshed and clearly enjoying themselves.

Time for another traditional Scottish sing song, with WBro’s McPhee and Allan , accompanied by WBro Nick Wootton and what can loosely be described as “the Stanlow Lodge operatic society singing “the Star o’ Rabbie Burns”, which traditionally in the first chorus entails one foot on the chair, second chorus one foot on the table, third chorus, both feet on the table, for those so inclined.

A large bang was heard, and many of us turned around to see a suitably happy Octogenarian, stood on the table banging his walking stick and singing along. A rush of Brethren quickly surrounded the table, carefully encouraging the now swaying “more or less in tune to the music” Past Master to step down, which was safely accomplished!

With the traditional circling of the room for Auld Lang Syne completed, the evening was brought to a close, but with the bar remaining open, whilst carriages arrived .

But what was the evening really all about?

Firstly it was based on a Scottish Traditional running order, which had quickly changed, but without losing its appeal, charm or character, but being relevant to the modern Society in which we live, something perhaps we should all look to do in our Lodges, keeping our core principals and traditions, but embracing small changes to make it more relevant to the next generations of Freemasonry.

Secondly, it involved the close working and cooperation of Three core Lodges, and the help of Brethren from many more, coming together to take part and support in a great night, with further support from Brethren from lodges local, and as far afield as Tarporley, and Frodsham etc, making, forging and sustaining friendships outside the confines of own immediate circle.

Thirdly, it represented charitable fundraising in an enjoyable format, and introduced the 14 or so none Masons present to what we stand for, some of our traditions and allowing them to experience first hand the fraternal enjoyment that can be had in our Institution.

Fourthly, it presented the opportunity to Lodges who don’t have many social events the chance to bring Interested but currently None Masonic guests along and accompany and introduce them to a suitable social event, in a relaxed atmosphere, and gain a better perspective of what we stand for in today’s society, with one Brother from another Lodge bringing some three guests, all of whom are keen to join his Lodge in Frodsham

And finally, Charity. The evening raised over £1000.00 in total for Charity, which was split and passed on accordingly, and will benefit causes held dear to the three Lodges.

In many ways the Evening was a great success, and our thanks must go to the organisers, and participants and especially the Artistes, without whom the introduction of potentially 8 new members (at the last count), to our Lodges, and whilst having a good time and raising money for Charity.

We hope to continue to hold the event, with a similar format, for years to come.

A Legendary Event as quoted? ~perhaps not.

A pattern for imitation and improvement? ~ see you next year!