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Author: John Miller
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Virtual Burns Night 7pm Friday 29th January
A quick update is that thanks to the hard work of the Artistes, both Local and North of the Border,
Virtual Burns Night, 2021
The Lodge is planning, again in Conjunction with the Lodge of Dunblane IX, and Stanlow Lodge, to hold a Burns
Burns Night a Masonic Tradition (first published in 2019)
Burns Night a Masonic Tradition In Scotland, and to a lesser extent in Lodges all around the World Freemasons celebrate
Introducing a Potential Joining member
Introducing bro Mark Campbell, a previous member of West Cheshire Lodge, who is looking to join James Thompson in the
Introducing Potential Candidate, Dr Ray Cramer
Dr Ray Cramer is 59 years old, and works as a Computer Programmer and Software Engineer for the British Oceanographic
James Thompson lodge donate to the Christmas Toy Appeal
Despite being unable to meet, the Members of the Lodge have agreed to support the Local Christmas Toy Appeal with
Introducing One of our Potential Joining Members
Introducing WBro Alan Jones, a prospective Joining Member of the Lodge WBro Alan is a current member of William Hesketh