Burns Night 2022

We are pleased to confirm that our Annual Burns Night, co hosted by the Lodge of Dunblane and Stanlow Lodge,

Virtual Burns Night, in Freemasonry today

Great to see that our Virtual Burns Night got a mention in Freemasonry today https://www.freemasonrytoday.com/more-news/provinces-districts-a-groups/international-media-success-of-virtual-burns-night-held-by-cheshire-freemasons

WBro John Keith Haslam

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of WBro Keith Haslam, after a lengthy illness, on friday

WBro Bill Knowles

It is with much sadness that we report the passing of WBro Bill Knowles, after his recent fight with illness.

WBro WG Perry

Its with much sadness that i report the recent passing of WG (Gordon) Perry, a past Master and Honorary member